Harlequin Floors, the global leader in advanced technology flooring for dance, performing arts, entertainment and events, today announced plans to open a distribution center in Las Vegas, Nevada. The new facility will begin operating June 15.
Harlequinade at the Met
Harlequin is proud to supply an Harlequin Cascade floor for the World Premiere of Alexei Ratmansky’s “Harlequinade”.
Turning Boards, Cleaners & Ballet Barres – Oh My!
Turning Boards, Cleaners and Freestanding Ballet Barres are now available for online purchase.
Cervantes Theater – A story that turned 97 years
Stage Tech SRL,
In February 2018, the historic Cervantes Theater (Teatro Nacional Cervantes) in Buenos Aires, Argentina incorporated a Harlequin Reversible Pro™ dance floor (white/black).
Happy Holidays!
Harlequin Floors,
Warm wishes this holiday season and Happy New Year! Please note: American Harlequin will be closed on Christmas 12/25 and New Year’s Day 1/1/18.
Discover Harlequin Floors
Discover why Harlequin Floors are the number one choice for dance, performing arts, entertainment and events… Watch our latest video here!